Primarschule Walkeweg

Open Idea Competition for an innovative sustainable school building, Basel, 2021
Weyell Zipse Architekten with August + Margrith Künzel Landschaftsarchitekten
Concept Consulting: Univ. Prof.. Günter Pfeifer / TU Darmstadt with BARUCOPFEIFER ARCHITEKTUR Architekten



Industrialization has permanently changed our society and the way we use natural resources. Increasing mechanization has also been accompanied by a shift in the standards of expectation for how a building should be tempered. Today, for example, a classroom in a school building in Switzerland must never be warmer than 26.5 °C, and never colder than 20.0 °C. The CO2 level must not exceed 1`400ppm over the duration of a teaching unit of 45min. In reality, such values can almost only be maintained with mechanical ventilation and active cooling, and the associated high technical effort.

Ultimately, everything that a building contains should be interdependently linked to all elements – the site, the context and the climate. Part of the overall balance of sensible resource conservation is that we learn to work with materials that can be sourced in reasonably short distances. If we understand the absorption of these energies as exchange, influx and influence, then potentials of the outside world also become those of the inside world. We should understand buildings as dynamically open systems that can store, transform and transport. Thus, incorporating on-site solar energy gains becomes as much a part of the design as linking them to process energies.